Sabarigiri College of Education, Anchal
Sabarigiri College of Education

“Quality Education” is the motto of Sabarigiri.
Sabarigiri College of Education is a self-financing college of teacher education, located at Anchal. The College is established by Sabarigiri Educational and Cultural Society under the able guidance and leadership of Dr V.K. Jayakumar, a physician as well as a philanthropist with a vision to promote higher values in education.
Chairman's Message

Dr. V.K. Jayakumar
B.Sc., MBBS, FCCP, FCGP, MA, B. Ed, Ph.D
Education is the journey from darkness to light. We must remember teaching is the only profession that teaches all other professions. Education is not for life adjustment, it is for life enhancement. Actually, teachers are the real nation builders. They only plant seeds that grow into worthy and fruitful trees to benefit generations. At Sabarigiri teachers are inspirers and our going-to-be teachers of the college have to really love teaching each child to love learning.